Thursday 10 November 2016

Community Service Initiative - Kompleks Penyayang Bakti ( Lee Phaik Yan 0300959)


On our first CSI class, Miss Noorseah briefed us about our course and told us that one of the project we have to do is to participate in a community service and come up with something that we can contribute to the centre that we chose. We then get to choose our own group members.

I am fortunate enough to be able to be in the same group as Esther, Jia Yee, Sue Yi, Susanti, Wei Xin, SK, Vivian, Yii Min and Samantha.


Our group decided to come up with some outdoor furnitures and decorations for Pusat Penyayang Bakti, an old folks home located at Bandar Sri Damansara.

Everyone was very excited about the project and all of us contributed on the ideas we think suitable for the old folks. We want to put in something fun and interesting for them, something that will make them come out more instead of hiding in the room the whole time, something that will become part of their daily routine. We have so many ideas that we can’t wait to share with the lecturers and then together decide with them which would be the best for the old folks!


On week 7 (19.10.2016), Yii Min and I represented our group to present the exciting ideas we had to the class and lecturers. We showed them what we think is doable in the given space and explained the reasons why we picked them.

We proposed a total of 7 ideas and in the end everyone agreed in Idea 4 and idea 7, as shown below.

At the space that was given to us, there is a hut or what we call it pondok, in malay, and also a chopped tree log located there. We had 2 ideas chosen and what we first plan to do is to have some bottles filled with plants in them and hand them around the pondok. We want to pimp up the pondok and add in some more cheerful atmosphere to it, so that when the people are sitting in there, they get to enjoy the beauty of the plants instead of just staring out at the parking lot, with no car. Quite pathetic isn’t it? During their free time, they can water the plants and see them grow under their daily affection, something to distract them from their boring daily routine.

Our second idea is building a bench next to the pondok and use the chopped tree log as a mini coffee table to the bench so the people there can sit there while enjoying some nice afternoon tea using the coffee table. We decided to use cement block as a support for the bench and strong wood planks as the seating.

After the presentation, we decided that everyone has to start collecting the bottles so that we have enough by the time we want to carry out the project.


Two days after the presentation, Wei Xin, Yii Min and Susanti represented our group to visit the site. They had a small discussion with the person in charge there, Miss Anizah, to get her approval in carrying out our ideas. The three of them also took more pictures of the site so we could have a clearer picture of how the whole place looked like.


Our group decided to carry out the project on Sunday (30.10.2016). Four days before the big day (26.10.16), we came together to discuss about what we have to buy and set a rough budget for ourselves so we do not overspend on unnecessary stuff.

Discussion Time!

We came up with a timeline where we decided to do our shopping on the coming Friday because there’s no class on that day, Saturday will be the day where we start making our flower pots and then assemble everything at the old folks home on Sunday! Sounds like a fun-packed weekend for us!

During the discussion, we realized that we are still short of many bottles so someone suggested that everyone has to bring at least 6 bottles by Saturday for us to hit the needed amount to create the beautiful piece.


On Friday (28.10.16), we gathered on campus, had our lunch and off we go! We drove to Sue Yi’s house first to meet up with her because she knows the way to the shops that we supposed to go.

First Stop:

We went to a hardware shop to get spray paints and ropes for the plant decorations and also wood planks to hold the plants decoration in place.

That’s us cracking our head trying to figure out the best colour to paint our bottles.

That’s us trying to decided which would be the perfect length for the wood plank.

Second Stop:

Next up, we went to Lysen Hardware shop to get bricks and strong wood planks for our bench.

When we were there at the shop, the guy who helped us with the materials was very kind and even gave us some useful tips on how to make sure the bench is stable. He was really helpful and we even joked about asking him to just join us on Sunday at the old folks home so he could make sure we are doing things right. We also tried to ask for some discount from him and in the end we manage to get some cement for free. YAY!

Us trying really hard to bargain with the guy for a good price, but to no avail. HAHAHAH. Guess we need to brush up on our negotiating skills!

The bricks that he sold us has holes on it for us to put our wood plank over, however the holes weren’t perfect so some of us had to hack it with a hammer.

Also, not to forget to take a photo while we are at it!

Third Stop:

Lastly, we head to the florist which is the third and final stop of the day! We went around the place and told the guy what we are doing so he could show us the kind of plants that are suitable.

And then that's me trying to communicate with the turkey.

We manage to buy a couple of really pretty plants and we can't wait to get our hands on it and decorate the whole place!

And, that's it for the day!


On Saturday (29.10.16), all of us gathered on campus to start working on the bottles first. We first cleaned all the bottles and dry them so we could do marking on the parts we want to drill holes on. But before that, we spent quite some time figuring out where is best to drill the holes because we want to ensure all of the bottles are able to align nicely when we hang them on the pondok. Finally after some trials and errors we manage to come up with the perfect position for each hole and also the big hole where the plant sits.

Sorting out the bottles and cleaning them.

Our superwoman, Jia Yee drilling the holes with Wei Xin's help.

After that, we break ourselves into groups so everyone has their own designated job and we could work faster and efficiently. There were the hole markers, the hole drillers, the hole cutters and the spray painters.

My main job was to spray paint all the bottles using the 4 colours we bought. I really enjoyed doing it because it was really therapeutic and didn't need much brain to do it. HAHA! I make sure all the bottles are evenly sprayed and covered with paint. There were some challenges but my main concern was to make sure every paint was enough to cover at least 15 bottles, or else we would have to travel out to buy more paint which is really time consuming. I also try my best not to inhale too much of the paint because it's bad for our lungs. But at the end of the day my boogers were pink and blue so I guess I still inhaled quite some paint into my body. I hope i won't die. HAHAHA! Nevertheless it was really fun and I felt like an artist that day. #phaikasso

That's Jia Yee showing me the part that I missed the paint and me spray painting. 

Susanti and Yii Min decided to join in the fun and came to help.

After we are done with our parts and the bottles are all dried up, we proceed to tying all the bottles with the strings and making sure the align, because if they don't the whole design would fail.

The colourful bottles and us making sure that the ropes are aligned when tied.

The bottles that are done resting on the table and floor.

Before we leave the campus and go home, we discussed about the tools to bring and each of us took back some bottles with us because one car wouldn't be able to fit in everything.


On Sunday, I made sure I woke up early and reach the place on time because I've always been the one that's always late! Bad habit of mine! HAHA.

We started working at 9:30am by trimming off grass that are too long around our site. This might sound like an easy task it is really tedious, especially when the amount of grass still looks the same after a long time, and the sun didn't make it better.

We then proceeded to clear everything from our cars and bring them down to the pondok where we could start work. Again, we assigned ourselves with different task and work together to get things done. Those who worked on the plants first arranged the bottles on the ground and then started filling them up with soil and the plants we bought. Some of us started mixing the cement to join the bricks together. Susanti on the other hand went hammered all the nails on the pondok, making sure they are at the same position and are firm. While all these are happening, I went to get the wood plank, started sanding them until it's smooth and then painted them with a few layers of lacquer. There was a boy that hanged around with us the whole time so I asked him to join me in painting the lacquer because he looked curious. :) It's always fun to make new friends!

Here are some of the photos of us working together:

Us  moving everything out from the car.

Us trimming the grass.

That's me! 

Moving the plants into the bottles accordingly.

Esther and Yii Min putting the cement on the block to join them together and the kids being little helpers for us!

Hammering and tying the ropes on the wood plank to stabilise the whole structure.

Putting the wood planks through the whole and also moving the tree log towards the bench. 

After a few hours of hard work, we finally got everything done! It wasn't as easy as we thought it would be, especially under the burning hot weather but it was all worth it because the people there really liked the bench. The kids were sitting around it and taking photos with it!

Trying on our bench and taking photos with it! Obviously they loved it!

And here's how the pondok looks like now! Beautiful isn't it?


First of all I have to thank Miss Noorseah and Mr. Max for being such helpful and supportive lecturers in giving us guidance along the way. I am really glad that we are given this opportunity to give back to the society with our skills. Even though it's not much but it's definitely the best we could offer to them right now! This may be the first time of me doing this, but definitely not the last time! :)


Wednesday 15 July 2015

Final Submission

FINALLYYYYY we are done with our semester by submitting our final assignment for this subject. It was a great semester under Miss Norji and Miss Rafida's guidance. :)

Monday 13 July 2015


During the mid sem break, we were asked to observe and then draw a total of 20 detailed drawings of any furnitures, fixtures, ceiling or wall features in any restaurants. So, during the break, i visited a few cafes and observed a few of their furnitures, built in and loose, and also their ceilings and walls.

Here are some of the 10 drawings out of the 20 we were asked to draw. :) Have a look!